This article help us in assigning a value to the independent value set using FND_FLEX_VALUE_PKG.LOAD_ROW Api.
Independent Value Set ‘TESTVALUESET’ exists in the system. We can query this value set in following Navigation
System Administrator à Application à Validation à Set
Let see if there are any value attached to this independent value set.
As seen in above screen there are no values attached to the value set.
Lets use the below api to attach the value to the independent value set ‘TESTVALUESET’.
API is tested in R12.1.3 instance
v_enabled_flag VARCHAR2 (2) := 'Y';
v_summary_flag VARCHAR2 (2) := 'Y';
v_start_date_active DATE := SYSDATE;
v_error_msg VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
v_who_type fnd_flex_loader_apis.who_type;
v_request_id NUMBER;
v_rec_success NUMBER;
v_rec_error NUMBER;
v_rec_cnt NUMBER := 0;
v_user_id NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
v_login_id NUMBER := fnd_global.login_id;
v_req_id NUMBER := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
v_value_set_name VARCHAR2 (50) := 'TESTVALUESET';
v_value_set_value VARCHAR2 (50) := 'SAMPLEVALUE';
v_who_type.created_by := v_user_id;
v_who_type.creation_date := SYSDATE;
v_who_type.last_updated_by := v_user_id;
v_who_type.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
v_who_type.last_update_login := v_login_id;
(x_flex_value_set_name => v_value_set_name,
x_parent_flex_value_low => NULL,
x_flex_value => v_value_set_value,
x_who => v_who_type,
x_enabled_flag => v_enabled_flag,
x_summary_flag => v_summary_flag,
x_start_date_active => v_start_date_active,
x_end_date_active => NULL,
x_parent_flex_value_high => NULL,
x_structured_hierarchy_level => NULL,
x_hierarchy_level => NULL,
x_compiled_value_attributes => NULL,
x_value_category => NULL,
x_attribute1 => NULL,
x_attribute2 => NULL,
x_attribute3 => NULL,
x_attribute4 => NULL,
x_attribute5 => NULL,
x_attribute6 => NULL,
x_attribute7 => NULL,
x_attribute8 => NULL,
x_attribute9 => NULL,
x_attribute10 => NULL,
x_attribute11 => NULL,
x_attribute12 => NULL,
x_attribute13 => NULL,
x_attribute14 => NULL,
x_attribute15 => NULL,
x_attribute16 => NULL,
x_attribute17 => NULL,
x_attribute18 => NULL,
x_attribute19 => NULL,
x_attribute20 => NULL,
x_attribute21 => NULL,
x_attribute22 => NULL,
x_attribute23 => NULL,
x_attribute24 => NULL,
x_attribute25 => NULL,
x_attribute26 => NULL,
x_attribute27 => NULL,
x_attribute28 => NULL,
x_attribute29 => NULL,
x_attribute30 => NULL,
x_attribute31 => NULL,
x_attribute32 => NULL,
x_attribute33 => NULL,
x_attribute34 => NULL,
x_attribute35 => NULL,
x_attribute36 => NULL,
x_attribute37 => NULL,
x_attribute38 => NULL,
x_attribute39 => NULL,
x_attribute40 => NULL,
x_attribute41 => NULL,
x_attribute42 => NULL,
x_attribute43 => NULL,
x_attribute44 => NULL,
x_attribute45 => NULL,
x_attribute46 => NULL,
x_attribute47 => NULL,
x_attribute48 => NULL,
x_attribute49 => NULL,
x_attribute50 => NULL,
x_attribute_sort_order => NULL,
x_flex_value_meaning => v_value_set_value,
x_description => v_value_set_value
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error is ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 1000));
Once the above api is executed, the value 'SAMPLEVALUE' is attached to the independent value set 'TESTVALUESET' as shown below.
Great Man...! it's working fine.
Adnan zafar Goraya
Spot on script. Copied, pasted, changed Value_set_name and Value_set_value and it worked perfectly. Thank you! You saved me some time!!